Real-world distributed architectures

What Do 100 Million Users On A Google Service Mean? – System Design for Scale and High AvailabilityArticle Link
How Razorpay handled significant transaction bursts during events like IPLArticle Link
YouTube Architecture – How Does It Serve High-Quality Videos With Low LatencyArticle Link
YouTube Database – How Does It Store So Many Videos Without Running Out Of Storage Space?Article Link
How Hotstar Scaled With Over 11 Million Concurrent Users – An Architectural InsightArticle Link
How Does PayPal Process Billions of Messages Per Day with Reactive Streams?Article Link
An Insight Into How Uber Scaled From A Monolith To A Microservice ArchitectureArticle Link
Facebook Real-time Chat Architecture Scaling With Over Multi-Billion Messages DailyArticle Link
Facebook Database [Updated] – A Thorough Insight Into The Databases Used @FacebookArticle Link
Facebook’s Photo Storage ArchitectureArticle Link
Instagram Architecture – How Does It Store & Search Billions of ImagesArticle Link
Twitter’s Migration To Google Cloud – An Architectural InsightArticle Link
What Database Does Twitter Use? – A Deep DiveArticle Link
An Insight Into Bazaarvoice Scalable Architecture with Over 300 Million VisitorsArticle Link
How Evernote Migrated & Scaled their Workload with Google Cloud PlatformArticle Link
An Insight Into the Backend Infrastructure Of A Modern Digital Bank – Monzo ArchitectureArticle Link
How PolyHaven Manages 5 Million Page Views and 80TB Traffic a Month for < $400Article Link
‘Futures and Promises’ – How Instagram leverages it for better resource utilizationArticle Link
McDonald’s Event-Driven Architecture – A GistArticle Link
State of Backend #2 – Disney+ Hotstar Replaced Redis and Elasticsearch with ScyllaDB. Here’s Why.Article Link
State of Backend #1- Distributed Task Scheduling with Akka, Kafka and CassandraArticle Link
Live Video Streaming Infrastructure at TwitchArticle Link
Heroku Client Rate Throttling, Tail Latency and moreArticle Link
Monzo Architecture – An Insight Into the Backend Infrastructure of a Modern Digital BankArticle Link



Monolithic architecture simplifiedArticle Link
Understanding the Actor model to build non-blocking, high-throughput distributed systemsArticle Link
How Actor model/Actors run in clusters facilitating asynchronous communication in distributed systemsArticle Link
CDN and Load balancers (Understanding the request flow)Article Link
Understanding API Gateway and the need for itArticle Link
Leveraging the Backends for frontends pattern to avert API gateway from becoming a system bottleneckArticle Link
Application architecture explained with a real-world exampleArticle Link
IP layers and the TCP/IP model – A deep diveArticle Link
An Introduction to the Network File System (NFS)Article Link
Distributed Data Processing 101 – A Deep DiveArticle Link
Distributed Cache 101 – A Deep DiveArticle Link
Wide-column Database, Column Databases – A Deep DiveArticle Link
Web application architecture explained with a real-world exampleArticle Link
What is an Instance in Cloud Computing? – A Thorough GuideArticle Link
How to choose the right cloud provider for your application – A thorough guideArticle Link

Check out the Zero to Software Architecture Proficiency learning path, a series of three courses I have written intending to educate you, step by step, on the domain of software architecture and distributed system design. The learning path takes you right from having no knowledge in it to making you a pro in designing large-scale distributed systems like YouTube, Netflix, Hotstar, and more.

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